The Platform Conference was more than I had expected and I had high expectations going in. I have never been to a conference in which there wasn’t a “dud” speaker…until now.
Here are my notes from the rest of the conference. If you missed part one, you can find it here.
Ken Davis — Connect with Ken
- Wow has to be new every time. What wowed people yesterday will not wow them tomorrow.
- If you’re building a platform, become a speaker.
- If you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing.
- Pay attention to what your tribe wants more than you worry about your competition.
Michael Hyatt, part two
- You need friends in your life who won’t let you quit.
- Start with your comfort zone and use the momentum to push through the hard parts of your project.
- 3 Strategies Resistance Uses to Defeat You
- Fear: Fight it with simply starting your project
- Uncertainty: Fight it with focus
- Doubt: Fight it by finishing
Jeff Goins — Connect with Jeff
- Don’t build your platform for you. Build it for your audience.
- Find your voice.
- Pursue passion, not results.
- Connect (with everyone)
- Offline relationships lead to online engagement
- Write content you will be proud of if no one ever reads it
- Ask for permission. Don’t demand attention.
- 3 types of relationships to pursue
- Friends – Find them
- Fans – Serve them
- Patrons – Earn them
- The one thing more valuable than money is influence
- You can outlast those who are lucky and outwork those who are lazy
- A good platform is about something. That something is not you.
- Get Jeff’s Slides
Cliff Ravenscraft — Connect with Cliff
- Just go to Cliff’s website. He’s got more resources and video tutorials than you can imagine.
- If you are at all interested in podcasting, he is THE guy. Not A guy, THE guy.
Andrew Buckman
10 Things You’re Doing Wrong on Your Website
- Not owning your brand – Have your site self-hosted. Don;t rely on using someone else’s platform. Don’t have a gmail, aol, hotmail email domain. Mask it.
- Not having an email newsletter – Reinforces the brand, allows for direct contact and replies
- Not thinking about conversions – What’s the number one thing you want to accomplish with your site? Always provide next steps for readers.
- Forgetting about SEO – Use the Yoast plugin for WordPress
- Hard to share your content – use social sharing plugins. Concentrate on the main sites. Make it easy.
- No analytics installed – Know who is coming to your site.
- Not keeping tabs on your site – Update plugins, use Google Webmaster tools
- Setup problems – Make sure you are using customized permalinks
- Hoarding plugins – delete inactive plugins
- Not mobile friendly – Use responsive designs, make sure buttons are easy to click, DO NOT USE FLASH
Carrie Wilkerson — Connect with Carrie
- Don’t just be passionate about your content, be passionate about your people
- Build more followers by:
- Showing where to go (lead)
- Show what you know (inform)
- Show that you care (have compassion)
- Show that you’re scared at times (be transparent)
John Saddington — Connect with John
The Power of Perspective
- Your DNA is different than anyone else and you have a unique perspective on everything. Maximize your God-given uniqueness.
- Connect with others through hobbies, relationships, and fun. Capitalize on your long-term interests.
- You have unique experiences and backgrounds. Bring value from that to your products and audience.
- Turn by-products into products themselves. Use your excess stuff and make money off of it.
- You know how to best solve your problems. Solve yours and find others with that problem and help them solve theirs too.
Stu McLaren — Connect with Stu
I was busy during much of Stu’s presentation. His info is downloadable. I’m sorry, Stu. You were awesome, though.
Pat Flynn — Connect with Pat
- Check out
- Advertising – Use ad marketplaces or sell your own. WP125 is a great plugin for this. — LITTLE control
- Affiliate Marketing – Percent of income generated by others (basically online commission) — SOME control
- Product creation – Sell what you make — TOTAL control