by Jonathan | Apr 23, 2015 | Blog
The one thing I miss the most about Louisiana is the food. Especially crawfish. So it pains me to see the reactions to the bayou bug in this video. Nevertheless, I give these Californians credit for eating something besides fish tacos and quinoa for once.
by Jonathan | Apr 13, 2015 | Blog, Sports
What are the other top moments of victory celebrations or trophy presentations in sports? Here are my top five. Feel free to share yours in the comments.
by Jonathan | Feb 19, 2015 | Blog, Podcasting
As part of our ongoing work to launch a few ministry-specific podcasts at LifeWay, I’ve been working with Barnabas Piper on some guidelines and best (and worst) practices for podcasts.
by Jonathan | Feb 11, 2015 | Blog
Sochi Decline, Duck Sauce, How to Make Popular Coffee Drinks, Should Google Buy Radio Shack?, Tweet of the Week
by Jonathan | Feb 9, 2015 | Blog, Podcasting
Once you’ve decided on the format of your show, you then need to plan out the show and start your script work. Every show format has basically the same components, but the arrangement may differ depending on the subject, the audience, or the style of the show.
by Jonathan | Feb 5, 2015 | Blog, Podcasting, Social Media
In the time since I have declared 2015 the Year of the Podcast, I’ve had so many conversations about podcasting that it’s hard to keep up with them.