Yesterday I had the privilege of sitting in on an interview of Pete Wilson about his new book Empty Promises as part of The Exchange, a weekly web show we do at LifeWay. I have Pete’s first book Plan B and was familiar with him and Cross Point, the church he pastors here in Nashville, but had never really got to hear him speak.
To say I was impressed is an understatement. In what might have been one of the most honest, open interviews I’ve seen (kudos to Philip Nation for facilitating), I was challenged and encouraged by Pete’s message.
In my job, I see a lot of book marketing and hear a lot of author-speak. As a result, much of it becomes white noise, and I move on to the next pitch. But yesterday was different. Pete and the message of Empty Promises really connected with me and, by all accounts, with others who were in the room and saw the interview. The trailer for the book is below. I encourage you to watch it and consider purchasing the book. If it’s half as good as what I’m expecting, it’ll be more than worth whatever you pay for it.