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Superbowl Ads and What They Say about Us

Superbowl Ads and What They Say about Us

As the audience for the Super Bowl has grown over the years, so has the price tag for in-game advertising. With the higher prices, comes increased pressure on advertisers to outdo one another for memorability and influence. The result is that the “line” is...
Bloodlines: John Piper, Race, and the Gospel

Bloodlines: John Piper, Race, and the Gospel

Admittedly I have not read a great deal on racial relations, but the best of what I have read is Bloodlines by John Piper. It’s a different book that most of Piper’s with more narrative and personal experience than his other works. But while it is...
Remember Whose You Are

Remember Whose You Are

As I began my walk through the New Testament this year, the first reading was, quite obviously, from Matthew 1. I was struck anew with a sense of awe as I read it and the words came to life for me like never before. Just last month, my wife and I had our third child...
Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies

The time is here. The time we have all waited for: Girl Scout Cookies are now on sale (at least where I live). Just in time to kill that New Year’s resolution, Samoas are back! To celebrate, here is a Girls Scout Cookie infographic. And I know people like the...

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