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By Jonathan Howe

Once again, the goal with this list is not to inflate the egos of those named, but to make you, the readers of, aware of the dozens and dozens of Christian leaders who are advancing the gospel in their respective spheres of influence. And while some pundits may sit back and claim Christianity is declining or dying, these leaders are clearly making a statement that it will not happen on their watch. They are passionate about Christ Jesus, His gospel, and taking it to the ends of the earth. The qualifications are quite simple: under 40 and making a Kingdom difference.

So without further ado, here is this month’s young influencer list:

  • Ben Zobrist (@benzobrist18)Outfielder, Franklin, TN — Ben led the Chicago Cubs to a World Series title that was 108 years in the making and was named the series MVP. He’s also the author of Double Play: Faith and Family First
  • Sho Baraka (@AmIshoBaraka)Hip Hop Artist, Atlanta, GA — Sho is a founding member of the 116 Clique. The Alberta, Canada native has worked with numerous overseas groups, ranging from race relations in South Africa to establishing musical cohorts in Indonesia.
  • Raechel Myers (@raechelmyers) Co-founder & CEO of She Reads Truth, Nashville, TN — Raechel founded the wildly popular website and company which bears that name.
  • Scott James (@scott_h_james) Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UAB, Birmingham, AL — In addition to being a infectious diseases specialist, Scott is an elder at his church and author of the advent devotional The Expected One as well as Mission Accomplished, a two-week Easter devotional.
  • Angel Maldonado (@AngelXMaldonado) Pastor of The Path Church, Atlanta, GA — Angel is a native of Puerto Rico, has a background in television, and now pastors a growing church in Atlanta.
  • Amy Lowe (@amyalowe) Manager of Adult Ministry Publishing, LifeWay Christian Resources, Hendersonville, TN — Amy leads the publishing projects for the adult Bible studies LifeWay releases.

Please continue to pray for these individuals and their ministries. If you’d like to nominate a young influencer for consideration, let me know on Twitter: @Jonathan_Howe or in the comments section below. For previous young influencer lists, click here.

Jonathan Howe serves as Director of Strategic Initiatives at LifeWay Christian Resources, the host and producer of Rainer on Leadership and SBC This Week. Jonathan writes weekly at on topics ranging from social media to websites and church communications. Connect with Jonathan on Twitter at @Jonathan_Howe.

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