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With Saturday being Halloween, there was so much going on for most college football fans—and much of it had nothing to do with football. In fact, I barely had a chance to watch any of the games and only saw bits and pieces throughout the day. I mean, GameDay was at Temple. That Temple? Yes, that Temple. I thought it would be a slow day, then Duke happened. On to the recap…

GameDay had several signs I cannot publish here due to their content (and my desire to have a job).

And while this wasn’t the most compelling slate of games…

It WAS Halloween…so that gave us a few moments of greatness.

And a very cool helmet…

QB Rush of the Week (you don’t see that headline in every weekly recap)

Even though the weekly schedule was on the weaker side, there were two things of note. First, Purdue crushed Nebraska.

And there was Duke—yes the football team and not the basketball team—and Miami.

And that decision led to the greatest tweet of the year so far…

As you can imagine, all of this left by buddy Aaron Earls (a rabid Duke fan) like…

Instead of like…

A couple of final nuggets, here was the catch of the week…

And my favorite moment from the weekend…

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