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What was billed as an epic matchup between LSU and Alabama turned into a rather routine win for the Tide. Elsewhere, Duke got hammered, Clemson rolled FSU and Ole Miss lost on one of the strangest sequences since, well, Duke and Miami the week before. On to the recap…

Quality Gameday signage this week.

And then there is some low quality at this station. I mean, really? You mix these up?

Let’s get the LSU debacle taken care of first…

Strong T-Rex reminder from Earls. Unfortunately, they lost the game this is from as well. Sigh…

This is too perfect…

This is too scary…

This was too true…

Ok. Now that I’m over that…at least I’m not an Ole Miss fan.

Tweet of the weekend…

Odd penalty of the weekend. Isn’t EVERY substitution this?

Beatdown of the weekend (Sorry, Aaron)

Clemson solidified itself as #1 (a sentence I never expected to type)

Finally, Nebraska “got a little help” from the officials…

What a strange, strange week in College Football.

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