As part of a new initiative at LifeWay, I’m working on a comprehensive list of pastoral resources—commentaries, books, preaching manuals, ministry tips, etc. I’ve got a list already started but thought it would be best to open it up to the Interwebs to get more.
So, in the comments below, share three or four of your most indispensable resources specifically for pastors and pastoral ministry. Thanks.
I assume that the Bible is assumed.
1. The Works of John Newton. It doesn’t have to be John Newton for everybody–but I think it benefits every pastor to have a certain guy in history that can “mentor” them. My guy is Newton.
2. Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell along with Eswine’s Preaching in a Post-Modern World. Best resources I’ve found on preparing a sermon.
3. Learning how to arc is tremendously helpful in preparing a sermon. It helps me to see the main point and argument of a passage–and to be certain to preach that.
4. Soul food. I don’t mean Chicken Soup for the Pastor’s Soul, but I’ve made it a habit to put devotional/soul-stirring type of reading in my rotation. I almost could have written “The Puritans” here. They do this well. You get the idea that these men were stirred by the text that they were proclaiming. Pastors must be intentional about doing things that keep their souls lively.
That’s a few. There are many more. I look forward to reading what you come up with.
A good resource I have used is Portable Seminary by David Horton
I like to go to the NIVAC set for commentary help.
I turn to Berkhof for theological help.
For prayer help I go to the Valley of Vision.
For pastoral help I turn to Baxter’s the Reformed Pastor.
For global missions I reference my Operation World manual.
ESV Study Bible [or] Gospel Transformation Bible
New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
How People Change [or] Seeing with New Eyes
Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament
The New International Commentary on the New Testament
Christ-Centered Preaching
The Supremacy of God in Preaching
The Christian Ministry
Total Church
Everyday Church
The Pastor’s Justification