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So, after a couple of recycled talks on Day One, I was hoping for some originality in day two. And I was not disappointed. Patrick Lencioni led off with probably the best talk of the conference. He’s just outstanding. If you haven’t read his book 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, you really should. His talk today came from his latest book The Advantage.

Patrick Lencioni

  • People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed.
  • Organizational health is the single greatest competitive advantage an organization has. It’s simple, free, and accessible.
  • Two requirements for success: Smart (strategy, marketing, finance, technology) and Healthy (minimal politics and confusion, high morale and productivity, and low turnover)
  • Organizational health is the multiplier for success.
  • Four disciplines for making an organization healthy:
    • Build and maintain a cohesive leadership team at the top (master the five behaviors of a functional team)
    • Create organizational clarity (more than a mission statement)
    • Over-communicate clarity
    • Reinforce clarity through human systems

Six Critical Questions

  1. Why do we exist? — Everything needs to point to that.
  2. How do we behave? — Core values, something your will not compromise or violate
  3. What do we do?
  4. How will we succeed? — 3 Strategic Anchors –> find them
  5. What is most important, right now?
  6. Who must do what?

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