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The 2012 Collegiate Summit continued today here at LifeWay and featured Eric Geiger and Jon Acuff.

My notes for Eric’s talk are a bit disjointed, because I was working during his talk, so I only was able to grab a few nuggets. However the entire talk will be online at Eric’s site later in the month.

Eric Geiger

There is a major difference in Offensive and Defensive Discipleship & Collegiate Ministry
You’re not called to protect college students, you’re called to transform and equip them.
The human heart is not pure and in need of protection. It is wicked and in need of transformation.
Luther – Of all of scripture, Psalm 51 gives us the best picture of the human heart.

Three definitions of sin from Psalm 51
• Transgression – Willful rebellion against the one we owe allegiance to.
• Iniquity – Twisted out of shape
• Sin – To miss the mark

The closer we get to God, the more we see his holiness, and the more our sinfulness is revealed.

Psalm 51 isn’t something we graduate from. It’s something we continually need.

Go on offense with your ministry – Everyone on the campus needs the love of Jesus applied to their hearts.

We can’t blame anyone else for our sin.
We can’t bargain for forgiveness.

When we see the glorious greatness Jesus offers, everything else grows dim.


I have heard John speak a few times, and he’s always on point. Even though I know the stories, they’re always funny and he delivers them so well. You need to get his books. They’re hilarious and inspiring all at the same time.

Jon Acuff

Jon was rocking the Red Hello Somebody watch tonight.

He started out with some Jesus Juke stories – Those are the best. Jon has literally made up a phrase that gets used here at LifeWay at least once a week.

He then listed the 5 Stages of Deep V-neck Syndrome

After the opening monologue, Jon transitioned into his talk highlighting points from Quitter.

We are becoming the “I’m _____, but…” generation.

College Students: Stop trying to find your perfect purpose
–Believing the lie that there’s just one thing out there for you to do, and you have to find it.
–Many times when we don’t know where to start, we just stop.

Most times, finding your purpose is not an act of discovery, it’s a recovery.
Finding your calling, your first passion, is usually not a first date, it’s usually a reunion.

Two Things to be Careful About
1 – Ignore the haters – They only get loud when you start to do things that matter. Don’t let the critics define your ministry
2 – Ignore the voices of fear – “I’ve never met anyone who had a positive internal voice”. Fear is terrified of community. It always wants to put you on an island.

Remember, God is neither disappointed nor surprised about the size or impact of your ministry.

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